Long time ago since the last post. Last few weeks I was working beside some fancy handlettering things also on two fonts which I want to release on creativemarket. Lakewood is a script font, I created with a pentel fudepen. It’s like a modern handscript font and will give your letterings in modern logos etc. a really cool look.
Have a complete look at this font at creativemarket.
My second font I worked with isn’t released at this time. I have to work out some very detailed things before releasing it. It’s a handdrawn copperplate font, which will be very gorgeous. Sure I can give you a little preview:
Also I worked out some cool procreate brushpacks for the iPadPro. I’m drawing and lettering for about 90% of my handlettering work with the iPad. This device is really awsome and brilliant to work with in this field of graphicdesign. It’s worth every cent of money.
If you’re keen enough visit the creativemarket store and check out my fancy brushpacks for procreate.
Have fun, lettering! Salute!